Tuesday, June 10, 2008

San Diego Rock 'n Roll Marathon: 3:46!

Whew. I made it. And 6 minutes faster than last time! Thanks, mom and dad and Jackie and Marc, for coming down to cheer me on. And Jackie, I owe you big time for dragging me along on miles 18-24...I couldn't have done it without you! Here we are, running at our blistering pace...!

I am thinking about running another one to try to hit the 3:40 mark. Maybe the Long Beach Marathon on Oct. 12th . But then I think about all that training and it makes me tired. ugh. Anyone want to join me? Or give me some tips? Or come cheer me on? Or talk some sense into me?

Monday, June 2, 2008


So, in honor of the centennial celebration of the publication of Anne of Green Gables, I took this online quiz. And apparently, am yet another male character: Gilbert Blythe. Here's what that says about me:

You’re the town gentleman. Like Gilbert Blythe you are handsome, smart and witty. You’re definitely the whole package. You have trouble expressing your feelings when you really care for someone, so it sometimes seems like you feel the exact opposite. You are career driven and goal oriented. You know where you’re going in life. Nothing excites you more than a good challenge!

Hmm....I don't really agree with any of this assessment, except that I am smart and witty and definitely the whole package. :) But the part about knowing where I'm going in life...?!

Take the quiz and let me know who you are! Maybe if you're lucky, I'll call you Carrots.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Me and Meriwether

Julie and I ran across this article from "the secret diary of William Clark" in Smithsonian Magazine a few years ago. Besides the fact that it STILL makes us laugh out loud (a lot!), we think that it aptly describes the interworkings of our complicated sisterly relationship. Guess who's Lewis, and who's Clark...?

If you are too lazy to go read the whole piece (it's not that long, I promise!), here are some of my favorite entries:

April 1, 1806—At breakfast Lewis showed me a letter he is sending to Jefferson. It closed with:
Meriwether Lewis
The Clark and Lewis Expedition.

I bowed my head and said, "Thank you, captain."

Then he tapped the letterhead's date with his finger. "April Fool," he shouted, cackling so loudly he spooked two horses.

My two horses.

April 1805—An observation: There is no I in "team." There is an I in "Lewis." LewIs. LewIs. LewIs.

Not As Hardy As We Thought (by Julie)

Thursday there was rain and hail and thunderstorms. More inclement weather was predicted, but who cares about that? It was the 3rd Annual Lewis and Clark Memorial Day Weekend Sequoia Kings Canyon National Park Camping Trip, and we were excited and ready for some outdoor fun.

Friday we left Orange County at 2:30, made it to Visalia in time to eat at Chipotle, our new favorite dinner spot and by 9:30 arrived at our favorite secret free campground in Sequoia National Forest. Although its not so secret, since there are always plenty of other campers there. This year it seemed less crowded, and we were able to find an actual campsite, hidden back behind two motorhomes, with just enough room in between for us to get our car through. We've been camping so often, we have our routine down: lay down the tarp, set up the tent, put down 2 blankets, 3 sleeping pads (2 for Jennie), 3 sleeping bags (2 for me), pillows, books, headlamps, and we're ready to go to bed.

After 11 or so hours of sleep (one of the reasons I love camping), we woke up and enjoyed a leisurely breakfast of chocolate chip pancakes that Jennie made. Tasty!

As we were finishing up, it started to snow a little bit, but we weren't alarmed, we're hardy! Since I didn't really bring any clothing for 30 degree temperatures, I thought I'd just wear my fleece pajama pants underneath my zip-off hiking pants, and 3 fleece jackets! What a great idea! We decided to drive to Hume Lake, so Jennie, who is training for a marathon, could run 12 miles by running around the lake four times. I walked around it, but only once. Then I sat next to it and read a novel, until she finished. What a great vacation I was having!

After a picnic lunch and some french vanilla capuccinos, we drove down to the bottom of Kings Canyon for a hike. By then it was raining, so we decided it was the perfect time for a nap in the car. (I guess the 11 hours of sleep we got just wasn't enough!) We woke up, refreshed and energized for a hike, so I threw on my yellow raincoat and started up the trail!

I soon discovered to my dismay that I was wearing too much clothing, and an inappropriate amount of fleece at that (still wearing the aforementioned fleece pants and three fleece jackets, in addition to the rubber raincoat). Pretty soon I was wearing one fleece jacket and had two fleece jackets tied around my waist, and with my camera around my neck, I was defintely looking a little bit bigger than normal.

Our hike to a "overlook" was somewhat ruined by the fact that as we climbed up the mountain, we ascended into a blanket of fog, thus rendering any overlook an overlook of nothing.

To make matters worse, on the way back down the mountain, hastening from switchback to switchback, I somehow managed to twist my ankle. So then I was limping from switchback to switchback. That did not stop me from contemplating the beauty of nature however, since I am hardy!

Looking forward to our dinner of hot dogs roasted over an open fire, the anticipation was somewhat lessened as we discussed our dinner options of cooking in the rain. We settled on making quesadillas on our camping stove, and then eventually going out for pizza! This is what I love about National Parks - you are never far from civilization and amenities!

The next morning we woke up, all warm and toasty in our tent, and waited for the rain to stop. But it never stopped, and when hunger finally stirred us from our sleeping bags, we discovered not rain but snow!

"Oh no!" we said.

So much for pancakes, we ate a breakfast of fig newtons and peaches while standing under the opened back hatch of the car and contemplated a day of hiking through the snow and/or rain with one of us injured and coming back to no campfire that night or hot chocolate the next morning and possibly being snowed into our campground, which, by the way, has no paved roads, or roads at all for that matter.

So we packed up and came home. I guess we're not as hardy as we thought.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Pics from Havasupai

So...Jeff and I took this trip to the Havasupai Indian Reservation (south of the Grand Canyon) during my spring break, which now seems like a really long time ago, but I thought I'd post some pics anyway. After picking him up at the Vegas airport, we drove to the trailhead and camped there for a night. The next morning, we backpacked about 10 miles in, and then we hung out down by the Havasu River for 2 days, and then hiked back out and drove back to Vegas to see Spamalot. I totally recommend this hike to anyone who loves beautiful waterfalls and lots of boyscouts (and who doesn't love both of those things?).

These are my feet. The water was really cold, but this sweet swimming hole was too good to pass up.

Jeff in front of Havasu Falls. We loved these limestone terraces that made crossing the river a piece of cake.

Going through the scary tunnel to get to Mooney Falls was well worth it. But even if you don't like this sort of outdoorsy thing, you should at least go to Vegas to see Spamalot - it's no Wicked, but it's clever and hilarious and worth the trip.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

1:48:51 - a new PR!

The 2008 Soak City Half-Marathon...oh, I mean "Surf City..."

Usually I love the rain, but this was a little much. I ran fast because I just wanted to get warm and dry again. It was great to hang out with this group of CCS moms - they let me carpool with them, run with them, and even better, eat pancakes with them after the race.

Up next...Page and I are going to run the San Diego Rock 'N Roll Marathon. It's not til June 1st, so we're still welcoming more training partners!

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Christmas Vacation - Part One

Mammoth was beautiful! Fresh snow right before we got there, and then sunshine during our entire stay. Here's the whole crew:

And here we are at lunch time:

Julie and I spent an afternoon on cross-country skis.

We are really good at it!

But it's tiring.

I love Christmas in Mammoth. Can we do it again next year, please?!

How I Spent My Christmas Break...

Well, the second half of it.

Here I am with Audrey (one of my favorite college friends) in front of her super cute house in Denver. Isn't it awesome?

Here I am falling in the snow at Grand Targhee - a pretty typical sight for me that day, unfortunately, thanks to the rental board (don't fly Frontier!) and to my lack of skills in general. At least the snow was nice and soft!

Olin, Jeff, and I on our snowshoes. It was a beautiful day, but COLD!

Lunch. Jeff is REI poster-boy in charge of brewing the hot cocoa, while Olin and I feast on cheese and salami on "crackers" that actually tasted like cookies. Whoops - not really a good combo.

The view on the ride home. Not bad, huh? Can't wait to go back someday...!

Monday, December 10, 2007

13.1 miles later...

Yay - we finished! I think we look so happy here because the end is in sight, finally (thanks, Julie for cheering us on and taking some pics!). We didn't quite meet our goal of finishing in under 2 hours, but we came pretty close. And no, we didn't plan to wear coordinating Christmas-colored shirts - it just worked out that way somehow.

Irvine is nice and flat, but we realized (too late!) that it was a ridiculously inane course in general - lots of running in circles, and lots of annoying bottlenecks on the narrow bike path parts:Maybe next time, I'll look at the course map before signing up.

But hey, at least it wasn't raining.

We got beat by a lot of old men, jr. highers, and even some 10-year olds. The worst is that some girls dressed up in elaborate felt elf costumes finished before us, too. Oh well.

Next up: Surf City USA Half-Marathon on Superbowl Sunday. Join us!

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Take luck! You too!

Okay, Brian Regan is frickin' hilarious. Julie and I went with the McKays to see his show last night, and we were all rolling on the floor laughing the whole time. He had lots of new material since we saw him last time, and I always enjoy his old stuff, too. Thanks to Brian Regan, I crack up whenever I toast a poptart or eat a fig newton. His "showhorses" bit was one that we were rooting for during his encore, but didn't get to hear. So if you get a chance, listen to it here instead.